Monday, August 23, 2010

DPA is like a bear, and we're hibernating at the moment.

Hey there, folks. Cameron here.

Alrighty, so I've been relocated to Wisfuckingconsin, and while I'm enjoying the beautiful, mild Northern summer, Bill and Andrew are still baking in the oppressive heat of Texas. Unfortunately, this leaves us geographically challenged. I've decided to continue this post in the form of a Q and A.

Are you guys dead?
Nope, much to the dismay of our numerous and varied nemeses. We're still a band, you just gotta wait for us to rise again, like the South. Or the guy you think is dead in movies, but never is so TURN AROUND STUPID BITCH CAUSE HE GONNA KIIIILL YOU. That's what DPA is like.

Are you still going to be making music?
I don't think Bill could stop making music if he was restrained in a straight jacket and encased in concrete. I'm sure I'll dick around with some people up here, and I'm equally sure that Your Durned Axe will continue producing their shit and making me sad to be alive. Hopefully this summer, or maybe even in the winter, we'll be able to get together and run through some of the old jams. We'd like to play a tour next summer.

Isn't cocaine fantastic?

Have you listened to Polvo yet?
Yes Bill, I'm listening to Exploded Drawing at the moment and it's a fine record. Pinkerton is still better, though.

What's Wisconsin like?
The cheese intake laws are hard to get used to at first, but once your digestion system adjusts, you hardly notice that you're eating five pounds of cheese a day. Besides, it's better than cheese prison. Tis a fate worse than death.

When can I buy the album?
Well, imaginary person who's interested in purchasing our album, you'll be able to buy it as soon as Bill's dad finishes mastering all the tracks and Mr. Jacob Derryberry finishes the art and we send it in to get made. This will take approximately for FUCKING EVER GOD DAMMIT. Bill, how's it coming? I want that goddamned album.

What's college like?
You know James Cameron's Avatar? Well it's pretty much exactly like that.

Later, folks.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Holy lack of updates, Batman!

Wow, and this was supposed to be a source of constant updates where our Facebook and MySpace pages couldn't be! In fact, the 3 of you who have been paying attention (including band members) have probably noticed that the EXACT OPPOSITE is true. Funny how life works, huh? One minute, you're in exotic Siam, watching gyrating hermaphrodites through an opium daze, and the next you're

So, now that we've actually accomplished things as far as recording our album goes, this seems a fair time to fill you, gentle reader, in. We've now recorded 8 songs, which is all of the "real" songs for the album. The rest is interludes, in the tradition of, say, "Feller filler" or "aimless dicking around". I, Archduke Lord Reverend Dr. President Bill Dodds, Esq., hope to include four of these interludes for a total of twelve tracks, but my plans may be foiled by the wily Andrew and the sexually ambiguous Cameron. One of these interludes will probably be the "phasing" bit alluded to in the last update, which has now been thoroughly decontextualized into just that part, because the song it was going to be a part of no longer exists, like the dodo bird, or Hinduism.

Wasn't this just a fantastically zany update, guys? Stay tuned for more of this "wacky" writing style, when I, upon encountering the near future, publish the first installment of "Bill's Thoroughly Hyperbolic Music Reviews", in which I share my thoughts with youse guys about both music dear to my heart, and music that causes a sharp pain to shoot through my scrotum. Stay tuned!