Something you may not have known: most bands hate it when you ask them what kind of music they play. It's forcing them to pigeonhole their art into one category, simplifying the music they labored over into a one or two word descriptor. That being said, we're primarily a math-rock band with some noise-rock, post-rock, and post-hardcore influences.
The Donner Party Animals came together on one fateful day, when the three of us happened to run into each other in a classic Horowitz brothers fashion. As we apologized simultaneously, we noticed that our apologies formed an overlapping 23:17 pattern. That's when we knew we were destined to form a math rock band. Soon, after using precious crack money to invest in some instruments, we began rehearsing in a condemned building in the bad part of town. The rest, as they say, is rock 'n' roll history.
P.S.- Since progress as a band is slow, we will be using this blog for updates on a more micro scale, as songs are being written and rehearsed, etc. That way, if you start getting pissed that we don't ever have any new fucking songs, you can just stop by for a visit here for your textual DPA fix.